Master Plan for Community Development in the Resettlement Areas 2050
The project is commissioned by the Economic Planning Unit, Sarawak and led by Chemsain Konsultant Sdn. Bhd. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and SDI are part of the research consultant team. SDI’s role and tasks will cover the socio-economic demography of the resettled population, the impact of the resettlement and provide inputs for future actions, focussing specifically on the resettlement in Batang Ai and Bengoh resettlement areas. UNIMAS will focus on the Bakun and Murum resettlement areas. The study will provide a detailed analysis and examination of the resettlements that have been undertaken in Sarawak and the lessons learned will be incorporated into a proposed new resettlement model. The study is expected to be completed in 12 calendar months. To date, the project has completed its inception and first interim reports stages.
Sarawak’s Civil Service and its Role in Nation Building: Reflections and Reminiscences of Sarawak Civil Servants
The book project aims to collect the experiences and reflections of 30 senior Sarawak civil servants, as well as explore the various milestones and transformation of the Sarawak civil service covering the different eras of history, starting from the Brooke era till the formation of Malaysia. Undertaken by Faradale Media-M Sdn. Bhd., it is currently at the interview and writing phase, with detailed interviews being done with the targeted interviewees. The project is estimated to be completed in June 2023.