
1. Master Plan for Community Development in the Resettlement Areas 2050

The project was commissioned by the Economic Planning Unit Sarawak (EPU) and led by Chemsain Konsultant Sdn. Bhd, with Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) and SDI as part of the research consultant team. SDI’s role and tasks within the study consists of the socio-economic demography of the resettled population, the impact of the resettlement as well as providing input for future action, focusing specifically on Batang Ai and Bengoh resettlement areas.

2. Sarawak’s Civil Service – Administration and Development: Reflections and Reminiscences over 60 Years

The book project aims to collect the experiences and reflections of former senior Sarawak civil servants, as well as explore the various milestones and transformation of the Sarawak civil service covering the different eras of history, starting from the Brooke era, the Confrontation, Communist Emergency, the formation of Malaysia and beyond.

3. Greater Together: Mapping of Paddy Production Ecosystem in Batang Lupar Granary Area, Sri Aman

The project was commissioned by the Sarawak Government in January 2025. The project aims to identify the different needs and challenges of every stakeholder within the industry such as farmers and landowners, youths within the area, community leaders in the area, anchor companies offering modern paddy planting schemes, rice milling companies, rice wholesalers, community organisations in the area, and government agencies.

LCDA Menang Anugerah Khas COMMAP & Pingat Emas PSIA

KUALA LUMPUR: Lembaga Pembangunan dan Lindungan Tanah (LCDA) hari ini meraih kejayaan cemerlang di Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2025 dengan memenangi Anugerah Khas menerusi inovasi COMMAP: A Smart Digital Platform for Community Engagement Planning, yang diiktiraf oleh State Social Protection Fund of Azerbaijan (SSPF).

LCDA turut dianugerahkan Pingat Emas dalam kategori Public Service Innovation Award (PSIA), mengukuhkan lagi peranan mereka dalam membangunkan platform digital pintar untuk perancangan dan penglibatan komuniti.

SDI to undertake research and engagement with stakeholders of modern paddy cultivation in Sri Aman

KUCHING – Sarawak Development Institute (SDI) has been appointed by the Sri Aman Development Agency (SADA) to undertake a project to map out all stakeholders within the paddy cultivation and rice ecosystem in the Integrated Agricultural Development Area (IADA), Batang Lupar in Sri Aman Division. This project is in line to support and explore how Sarawak can boost its rice self-sufficiency level (SSL) under PCDS 2030 from the current 32 percent to 100 percent by year 2030 through the deployment of modern methods for paddy cultivation.

21st November 2024 | 2:30pm | Via ZOOM application
1. Mr. Chris Cheng, President of the Society for Cancer Advocacy and Awareness (SCAN) Kuching
2. Ms. Laura Kho, Mental Health Policy Consultant & Advocate
3. Dr. Yuwana Podin, Activist for Sarawak AIDS Concern Society and Malaysian AIDS Council

Moderator: Dr. Yuen Kok Leong, Senior Research Officer, SDI

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